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Sell through Us

b2buy customers are continually buying a vast array of goods to operate their business. By selling through b2buy you get access to our business customer base, and the billions of dollars they spend annually.

b2buy’s marketplace opens the door to thousands of pre-qualified businesses that need to buy things to keep their business running, providing your business with b2b sales growth opportunities.

Grow Sales

b2buy becomes a new sales channel for you to reach new or current customers, growing your sales opportunities.


We onboard you so our customers don’t have to do the leg work and revalidation each time they buy from you.

Cost of Sales

b2buy becomes a cost effective sales channel, lowing your cost of sales allowing you to pass on competitive pricing.

Business Only

We only supply to business, providing you the security of knowing your customers and providing ongoing sales opportunities.

Expanding Range

Our range is always expanding, allowing you to add new products from your range to our site and to our customers.


You control your ‘online store’ in b2buy and this provides you many options to grow your business sales through us.